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2-Minute Tips: 44# Practice To Be Great

How smart practice with intensity can lead to huge improvements

Sent by Mike Knowles |

30 Apr 2024

It’s a cool autumnal morning, as Michael hurries along to the school gymnasium. He draws closer and can see the all-knowing sheet pinned to the door. On it are the 15 boys selected for the varsity team. 
With his heart pounding, Mike looks up and down the list, full of hope… Time stops and Michael viscerally reels backwards, sure that he’s just taken an unexpected body punch.
His name isn't there.


The rest of the day is a daze… eventually final bell rings and a thoroughly dejected Mike walks home. Entering his front door, through shattered tears he relays the news to his mum. 
She comforts him and looks him square in the eyes – "Michael, use this failure as motivation to work harder and practice better, so you’ll be so good, they can’t ignore you next year."

Michael took this to heart, practising every spare minute in the backyard shooting baskets. His high school coach Pop Ferrier pushed him with early morning gym sessions too and taught him his credo on excelling - “It’s hard, but it’s fair.”
Michael showed up even when he wasn’t feeling like it, creating strong work habits and discipline. Little by little he got better, and he didn’t let up - constantly spurred on to prove that he was good enough… that he belonged. 


Michael dominated in the junior varsity team, raining in points with exhilarating displays that often drew in similar crowds as the senior team.
The following year after a growth spurt and with vastly improved skills he was ready. He strode up to the gym door and this time his name was near the top. Proud and vindicated, he allowed himself a big smile. 
It was game time for Michael Jordan.


Jordan’s achievements speak for themselves – the 6 NBA championships rings, 2 Olympic gold medals, the NCAA winning shot as a freshman in college. 
He had a fierce will to win no matter the contest and the heart of a lion, that allowed him to play brilliantly despite sickness or injuries. Jordan as many greats do could also seemingly raise his game at the critical moments.
Though it is perhaps his work ethic and the way that he practiced that were most important in determining Michael Jordan’s success.

Wisdom 💎

“I practiced hard every day, because I wanted every one of my teammates to know what I expected from myself.”
Michael Jordan


Tip 1 - Smart Play ✅
Practice like you play.
Every single session was a final to Michael. He was the first one in and the last one out of practice and showed white-hot intensity throughout. He wanted to win every drill, every game.

Tip 2 - Avoid 🚩
Thinking you know it all. As good as Jordan became, he never stopped being coachable and working on his weaknesses. He improved his 3-pointers at college, relentlessly worked on technical fundamentals and gained strength to finally get past the physical Detroit Pistons.
“Successful people listen. If you don’t listen, you don’t survive.”
Michael Jordan


Tip 3 - Action 💪

Jordan would do the work and then trust himself to fully play in the moment in big games:
“At that moment you are the sum total of all the work you have put in. Nothing more or nothing less. If you are confident you’ve done everything you can to prepare yourself, then there is nothing to fear.”

Michael Jordan



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