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2-Minute Tips: 38# Following Your Passion

How following her passion, resilience and an insatiable work ethic took this woman to the very top

Sent by Mike Knowles |

19 Mar 2024

Uncle John was gently mixing ingredients over a gas stove. A young lady watched and learned, hypnotised by the mysterious alchemy taking place and the luxurious, velvety cream that appeared in the pot.
Ever since she was a little girl, she spent hours applying makeup or brushing hair for anyone who let her. She was obsessed with touching faces and making people beautiful. No-one else really understood this desire - that is until her skin specialist uncle arrived from Hungary. He got it.

“Do you know what it means for a young girl to suddenly have someone to take her dreams seriously and to teach her secrets?” They created potions together in an outside shed deep in the Bronx and she knew this was her calling.


1930s society dictated a different path, however. She met Joe and fell in love, married and had a son. Years past by, though her passion never dampened – she kept experimenting and gifting the resulting creams to friends and strangers.
At age 40 her break came – an opportunity to run a small counter at a beauty salon. She worked every day 9-6pm, without stopping for lunch and would beautify women for free everywhere – the train, elevator or even in the street. Always leaving them with a little sample to try.

She “was a woman on a mission” and was desperate to get into Saks Fifth Avenue – New York’s premium department store and one which offered credit. Women could purchase products without needing the cash that day.

Through her countless product demonstrations and free samples Saks started to get dozens of calls. Eventually in 1948, after multiple requests she was given a small section.

Joe joined his wife, and they worked together through multiple nights in an old restaurant, handmaking the creams. Customers arrived in the 100s and within 2 days Saks had completely sold out.
Breaking that mammoth barrier was the single most exciting moment in her life. The little girl who loved touching people’s faces had arrived and the fun was only just starting for Estee Lauder! Source

“I didn’t get here by dreaming or thinking about it, I got here by doing it.”
Estee Lauder

Tip 1 - A SMART PLAY ✅
Estee made it personal. Firstly, she gave free 1-1 product demonstrations leading to word of mouth advertising. Secondly, she reinvested her profits into sample gifts, so that no woman would leave empty handed. 
Both innovative tactics grew her business and led to extreme customer satisfaction and loyalty. If you work directly with customers, how might you provide the personal touch like Estee?

Tip 2 - AVOID 🚩
Giving up on your dream. Estee had to bide her time before she got an opportunity. She was ready for it when it came, grasped it with both hands and didn't let go. 

Tip 3 - ACTION 💪

Estee followed her passion as the ultimate action taker. She would personally open every new store across the USA and beautify people on the train rides along the way. She touched 50 faces every day and sold to everyone she met. She was obsessed with beauty and found a way to live her passion.
Could you find a way to go the extra mile for your passion?

P.S. I first learnt about Estee Lauder's life from the awesome podcast 'Founders' by David Senra. I've listened to about 100 of his podcasts and this is one of my favourites.


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